About Us

Modern Bamboo is the No. 1 supplier of high quality solid bamboo flooring, cladding, decking and veneer in the Philippines.

Bamboo is now widely used across the globe due to its durability and health benefits. It is also considered a better alternative to solid hardwood since it’s eco-friendly and more affordable. Plus, it easily makes any room look more sophisticated compared to normal tiles.

Bamboo Flooring is easy to maintain. No wax and scrubbing needed to retain its natural shine, you just need to wipe it with dry cotton cloth. It feels relaxing to feet when you walk on it and also to the body when you lie because it does not feel as hard as other flooring, so for those with lower back problem, bamboo flooring is a good choice. Yes, it’s pricey but its quality and benefits makes worth paying the price.

Written by: modernbamboo